Dansk Standard
Piktogrammer er billedtegn, som oplyser om service og funktioner, giver henstillinger eller markerer forbud uafhængigt af det skrevne ord. De er blevet en del af vores hverdag. Danske piktogrammer er baseret på internationale konventioner for deres indhold, men disse beskriver imidlertid ikke deres grafiske skikkelse, idet denne fastlægges af hvert land for sig.
Dog har de internationale organer inden for jernbanetrafik og luftfart indført faste regler,
så skiltene er ensartede uanset geografi.

Danish Standards
Pictograms are simple images that provide information about services and functions, indicate prohibitions or instructions independently of the written word. They have become part of our everyday life. Danish pictograms are based on international conventions with regard to their content, but the conventions do not address their graphic appearance, which is left up to the individual countries. However, the international bodies in the field of rail and air travel have defined common guidelines to ensure uniform signage regardless of geography.