Kulden, lyset, klarheden og det kølige granit.
Den danske designer Ole Søndergaard er en del
af den nordiske designtradition, som manifesterer sig i et stramt, enkelt og harmonisk design.

Han fascineres af selve skabelsesprocessen og
er dybt optaget af den organiske urform kontra det konstruerede, det matematiske.

Ole Søndergaard er internationalt kendt for sin særlige kunsthåndværk-tilgang til design og for bl.a. træflyveren ’Plane’, skriftfonten Signa og de danske piktogrammer.

Cold, light, clarity. The Danish designer Ole Søndergaard is part of the Nordic design tradition, which is manifest in a tight, simple and harmonious expression. He is fascinated with the creative process and has a profound interest in duality: organic, primordial shape versus the constructed, the mathematic.

Ole Søndergaard is known around the world for his many graphic designs and his unique craft-based approach to design in all its guises – including sculptural aeroplane models such as ‘Plane’, the typeface FF Signa and the symbols on the ubiquitous and familiar Danish traffic signs.



Kontakt / Contact
Sct. Annagade 71 B, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark
Tlf. / Ph.: +45 23 60 95 32
e-mail: osgrafik@osgrafik.dk
